We, being Gods' people, need to be faithful to the Lord in all things. It includes , being in his house worshipping him , thanking him, loving him, praising him from our hearts, etc. For if we just go through the motions of it, he knows we are not giving him our best. If we are faithful and love him, we will give him our best of everything.
When we are faithful to God, we will do what we are asked to do, whether great or small ( the task), with gladness in our hearts.
Whether it is some small thing we are asked to do , by those that are in Leadership, or we are asked to bring something to church, to help out. Or it could be to help a lame person , who needs a helping hand.
When God speaks to us to do these things, we need to step up to the task at hand and be faithful in what we are called to do.
For great is Gods Faithfulness to us.He is always with us and does so much for us.
Help us all Lord ,to not only be a partaker, but faithful to what you have called each and everyone of us to do.
For You Alone Are Faithful To Your People.